Publications by Megan Shiroda

Shiroda, M. ., Uhl, J. D., Urban-Lurain, M. ., & Haudek, K. C. (2021). Comparison of Computer Scoring Model Performance for Short Text Responses Across Undergraduate Institutional Types. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1–12. (Original work published September 2021)
Shiroda, M. ., Scott, E. ., Doherty, J. H., & Haudek, K. C. (2022). Covariational reasoning and item context affect student language in undergraduate mass balance explanations. In Society for Advancement of Biology Education Research Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN: SABER. (Original work published July 2022)
Uhl, J. D., Shiroda, M. ., & Haudek, K. C. (2022). Developing assessments to elicit and characterize undergraduate mechanistic explanations about information flow in biology. Journal of Biological Education, 1–20. (Original work published March 2022)
Shiroda, M. ., Fleming, M. ., & Haudek, K. C. (2023). Ecological diversity methods improve quantitative examination of student language in short constructed responses in STEM. Frontiers in Education, 8. (Original work published February 2023)