Publications by Megan Shiroda

Shiroda, M., Uhl, J. D., Urban-Lurain, M., & Haudek, K. C. (2021). Comparison of Computer Scoring Model Performance for Short Text Responses Across Undergraduate Institutional Types. Journal Of Science Education And Technology, 1-12. (Original work published September 2021)
Shiroda, M., Scott, E., Doherty, J. H., & Haudek, K. C. (2022). Covariational reasoning and item context affect student language in undergraduate mass balance explanations. In Society for Advancement of Biology Education Research Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN: SABER. (Original work published July 2022)
Uhl, J. D., Shiroda, M., & Haudek, K. C. (2022). Developing assessments to elicit and characterize undergraduate mechanistic explanations about information flow in biology. Journal Of Biological Education, 1-20. (Original work published March 2022)
Shiroda, M., Fleming, M., & Haudek, K. C. (2023). Ecological diversity methods improve quantitative examination of student language in short constructed responses in STEM. Frontiers In Education, 8. (Original work published February 2023)