Decreased blood flow to brain


a) The rate of blood flow to a person’s brain has decreased drastically causing them to pass out.  Identify as many changes to the circulatory system as you can that could have caused this decrease in blood flow to the brain.

b) Explain how the changes you identified could have caused this decrease in blood flow to the brain.




Bulk FlowDiffusionFluxBiologyPhysiology

Special Instructions

This question contains two parts; students should answer each part in its own text/response box.

To analyze resistance and gradient ideas:

1. Login to your account on this website
2. Return to this question
3. Click on the link below to Analyze resistance ideas
4. Upload your spreadsheet for analysis
5. Use the ‘Student Text Response Column (Start)’ dropdown menu to select the column containing the student responses to part a of the question.
6. Use the ‘Student Text Response Column (End)’ dropdown menu to select the column containing the student responses to part b of the question.
7. Both columns containing student responses should now be highlighted in teal
8. Add a note (e.g. pre-instruction) to your file if desired
9. Repeat steps 3 - 8 using the link below to Analyze gradient ideas

          To analyze your class responses using a Physiology Learning Progression Framework:

1. Download the csv files from the gradient and resistance reports.
2. To a new file, copy and paste the entire resistance score column and gradient column into the same worksheet so that the student response is in column A, resistance score in column B and gradient score in column C. You should not need the values from the Probability columns.
3. Enter the formula below in the cells of column D.


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Question Instructions

We recommend that you administer these questions as homework and preface the question with these instructions for students:

"For the following question, please respond to the best of your knowledge and using only the information in the question and what you know. Please do not refer to any outside sources (textbooks, notes, internet, etc.). Any reasonable attempt to answer the question will be awarded full credit."

To administer this question:

  1. Create a text question in your learning management system
  2. Copy the text and any images for the question from this web site and paste it into your learning management system.

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